Thursday, January 21, 2010

almond-CHEESE muffins

well, yesterday never thought that my boredom could lead into something yummy (since it ALWAYS has a 99% probabilities to turns out becoming a mere stupidity and mess). and yes, i baked muffins. my special almond-cheese muffins! though in the end i finally found out that i use lack of cheese and made it taste like a pure almond muffin. well, at least there's still cheese inside them. *grin

my super yummy (?) almond-CHEESE mufins

daddy said : "enak kak, bikin lagi"
love you daddy. mmuaaah.

later on my mommy came home.
momsy said : "lumayaaan. harusnya ditambahin esens vanilla. biar lebih berasa vanilla"
sir yes sir!!

arum and lintang said : lagi naaaab.

and those really made my day. super yippie!!

mood report : pokeholic (pikachuu thunderbolt attack!)
weathercast news : hoping i'm in the north pole, playing with polar bear

1 comment:

ifa said...

me want it toooooo!!!! (mmm)