Thursday, January 21, 2010

almond-CHEESE muffins

well, yesterday never thought that my boredom could lead into something yummy (since it ALWAYS has a 99% probabilities to turns out becoming a mere stupidity and mess). and yes, i baked muffins. my special almond-cheese muffins! though in the end i finally found out that i use lack of cheese and made it taste like a pure almond muffin. well, at least there's still cheese inside them. *grin

my super yummy (?) almond-CHEESE mufins

daddy said : "enak kak, bikin lagi"
love you daddy. mmuaaah.

later on my mommy came home.
momsy said : "lumayaaan. harusnya ditambahin esens vanilla. biar lebih berasa vanilla"
sir yes sir!!

arum and lintang said : lagi naaaab.

and those really made my day. super yippie!!

mood report : pokeholic (pikachuu thunderbolt attack!)
weathercast news : hoping i'm in the north pole, playing with polar bear

Monday, January 18, 2010

hey big tummy

this one is my favorite since i was a little baby, and my sister's favorite up 'til now

later then i knew that this thing exist, realizes me that i could never resist any of his charm

there's also my other flings, a blue robot cat

but this one is for sure the most irresistible creature ever found. my first and my favorite comic book! who cares that he is the most unfortunate duck ever exist, he is also the grumpiest duck ever, but nyunyunyuu, if i could have this duck as my pet

hey mr duck! mmuaaah to your fluffy tummy :*

well, writing this post makes me realize one thing. they all have a big fat tummy. was that a coincidence? ahahaha. maybe, or it was only that their fluffy big fat tummy are so adorable.

weathercast news : thunderstorm
mood report : swinging

Sunday, January 17, 2010

pagi yg cerah (baca : bikin STRESS)

baiklaaah. baiklaaah. saya positif stress. pengumuman ip bakal keluar hari ini dan saya udah kayak cacing kepanasan dari tadi pagi.

tingkah nabhila di pagi hari :
1. bangun jam 6
2. bengong
3. setengah jerit, baru sadar hari ini pengumuman ip
4. langsung buka internet. dan baru sadar, saya lupa nim saya sendiri. now please call me potatohead!!! zzzz -_____-
5. tambah panik. saya ol plurk, berusaha nanya nim. ga ada yg ol. saya tambah panik
6. akhirnya, ifa temen saya ol dan akhirnyaaaa saya dapet nim saya. yippie!!
7. deg2an mau mati saya akhirnya buka ol.akademik
8. siap2 nangis. daaaaan. ip belom keluar sama sekali. grrrrr
9. setengah stress. ga napsu mau ngapa2in.
10. chat sebentar sama ifa
11. donald and his fluffy tummy nya lagi sangat tidak membantu
12. akhirnya saya iseng motongin kuku kucing2 saya, dengan hasil saya sukses digigit-gigit
13. kelar potong kuku massal saya sarapan
14. joget-joget ga jelas biar kurus
15. nulis blog yg sangat tidak penting ini

kesimpulan : saya stress banget nget nget

pliiis. doain yaaa. biar ip saya baguuus. nyampe 3 lah paling ga. uhuhuhu. dan sekarang saya jauh lebih stress ketimbang dulu nunggu pengumuman usm itb. daan, buat yg baca postingan ini maaf kalo postingannya nyampah. saya udah ga tau mesti ngapain lagi biar ga stress kayak gini.

oia. tadi malem saya mimpi beli bb. terus ngurusin pin bb ke telkomsel bandung. daaan. masa yg jaga counternya pak hambran. ahahaha. mudah-mudahan pertanda baguuuus. amiiin. *crossfinger

mood report : stress akut
weathercast news : panas geela
. (baiklaaah. cuacanya tidak menolong fungsi otak sama sekali)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

random fact of living in bandung

hey fellas. yeees. i knoow. im such a bad bloggie.

well, where to begin?
im currently settled in bandung. doing my own chores and laundry (sometimes ;p). no more momsy to help and to remind me what to do. no more momsy (again) to cook for my meal. and im having a great time here stuck in learning for what we called with fisika-kalkulus-kimia-semuanya-kayak-pantat-ayam. also having a spinning head dealing with hard-to-imagine-that-there-are-such-any-lecturers-exist-as-professors-like-them. tons of assignments with extra limited deadline is one of the best (?) part living in ITB. thank god, i'm making a lot of new friends and for what i'm so grateful is that fortunately they do act and think mostly same as me (read : kelakuan sama nyelenehnya). bandung has such a nice weather, except the fact that in the afternoon it could turn out my skin to be more and more tanned (for sure without my consent! grr).i succesfully lost (and making lost bunch of my friends) many times in bandung which apparently become my blessing and my specialty, later on they'd never take any of my advice in showing direction even when we litterally get lost (ok fine). and yes! biology is still my favorite, but now i have to face the fact that my asdos is soooo grrrrr. im becoming more chubby now, thanks to bandung and its yummy food. i also can't resist the tendency of spending my money into shopping here. ooh, you have to feel the thrill of shopping!! and the most painful truth is that i can't spend too much time here reading and watching for i have to use most of my time doing my assignments or studying for exams :'( . then sometimes (often) i also feel homesick, missing my mommy and her special (my favorite) brenebun soup, my daddy and his irresistible jokes and of course my kittens with their mess.

ahahaha. sorry for the random fact which i bet is beginning to give you some unbearable headache, it's just that i miss the fun spending and writing random things in my blog. hope you enjoy! :)

and i'm having my gpa score out next monday. wish me a greaaaat luck! *crossfinger

oh yesss, not to forget!
mood report : is currently in love with donald duck's fluffy tummy
weathercast news : cloudy (nice!)