Friday, June 26, 2009


i always wondering why do my shoes tend to have scratches and bite marks all over, since i barely use them.
now i know why.


and some of silly pictures during her monstrous invasion which is sooo annoying (yet cute at the same time) *giggle :D

get your hand out of my stuff or i'll bite you! raaawrrr.

pack me! pack me!

and now we're playing hide and seek. come and get me!

what are you looking at?? this is my shoe lace. mine!!

well, i'm off to go! adios nugget!

guess, i'll have to double check my suitcase, otherwise she'll secretly come inside and has a nice trip to bandung (and freak the hell out of my mom!)

eat well! play well! and remember : don't play outside at night!
nobody's watching you.
so stop overacting for the attention of the cat nextdoor.
he's asleep. i've told you that!
besides it's hard to get you at night since you have a brown near black fur, seriously you confused me between you and the plants. nice disguised kiddo!

imya honey. definitely will miss the time of you biting my hands, foot, head, hair, socks, shoes, hair pins, headband and anything attached to my body. though it hurt a lot and tickle sometimes, but i know you did that because you love me, right? (or not?) anyhooy im sending my love to you. smooch. :-*

[1 day left in balikpapan]

note :
sorry for the blurry photos. cant help for her to hip hop here and there. :p

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