Friday, May 21, 2010

out of town

hey, im off duty now!! yipppieeeee. i always love the spelling of END OF SEMESTER,
no more hectic assignments, no more study-til-drop, no more midnight coffee, no more papers covering my room, no more black patch circling my eyes.
well, at least for a couple of months :'(

but too bad im stuck here in Bandung for those couple of months. grr. gotta have a freshman orientation thing to attend. and the worst thing is that i couldn't meet my folks yet. buhuhuhuhu. since i do miss them like a lot!

well since i can't meet them yet, i was kinda make sort of a traveling trip to please myself.
im planning to go to jakarta, bogor, and jogja, well maybe surabaya if i could. hope this imaginary plan could lead to a real realization. or if you guys have some sort of a planning trip please count me in, would youuuu???

and for those domesticated in JAKARTA and JOGJA : kalian kapan liburnyeee?? tanggal 10an juni kalo aku main2 bisa ga? apa udah pada balik ke balikpapan? ato apa malah lagi uas?

im kinda sick of staying in bandung. superrrrrr booooorrrriiiing.
take me out of this town. puhlleaaaseeeee.

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