Monday, September 29, 2008


actually, to be honest im not really into action. liat darah dikit aja udah jerit", apalagi dikasih nonton film action yang kadar darahnya sangat tidak manusiawi.

film action yang pernah ditonton? mmm, let me think..
3oo, die hard, charlie's angel, agent cody banks, da vinci code, happy tree friends, snow white, little mermaids.
yaa, diliat dari daftar di atas lumayan banyak juga sii sebetulnya.. :)

anyhooy. cuma gara" g sengaja nonton prolog ini film yg buntut"nya malah bkin penasaran, i ended up stuck sitting nicely in front of my TV, surprisingly watch an action movie and without any doubt
i do like it. yay!
kereen banget filmnyaa.

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sumpah keren bangeeet!!
it tells about a father who wants to take her daughter back for beeing trapped by some sort of a trafficking cyndicate. si bapak sadis banget. bunuhnya g kira". tapi tetep kereen. hhu. masi gemeter kalau diinget betapa si bapak dengan teganya nyetrum orang sampe mati. and those, just to gather as many information as he could in a mission to save her daughter.

rating (1-5) : for sure 5!!

kalo pada nemu dvdnya nonton yaa..

(quiz : how many times did i spell the word "keren" back then in my review??)
*berhadiah kue nastar. hhe. :p

mood : deg"an
weathercast news : tadi siang panas bangeet!g than. kpan musim hujan yaa?hhe.

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